10kw solar system, a solar panel system that provides your home with 10kw of power is the preferable choice for most Australian people. It generates energy by consuming the sunlight and converting it into electricity with the use of its photovoltaic cells. Hence, sunlight is the most important thing for a solar system to work properly but not the only essential. Making sure that the solar system is getting enough sunlight and maintaining it is important so that you can get the maximum energy output from it. By maintaining your 10kw solar system, you not only get the maximum energy output but also get the best out of your solar investment.

Here are the ways through which you can maximise the energy output of your 10kw solar system.
1. Always Go for Quality: If you want maximum energy output from your 10kw solar system and also want to make it work for a long time then this is choosing the quality of the solar system is a non-negotiable. You can’t expect a good working process from a lower-rated solar system. Go for the solar panel that has high conversion efficiency rating, it produces more energy than a lower-rated panel at the same time.
2. Use One Device at A Time: Using less electricity is one of the most effective methods of getting maximum energy output from your 10kw solar system. Now, using less electricity doesn’t mean that you should cut down your energy consumption completely; you just need to make better decisions while using electricity. For example:
Do not use heavy energy-consuming appliances like AC and Washing Machine at the same time.
Make sure you don’t let the television switch on when you are not watching anything on it.
Do not let lights, or fan switch on when there is no need for them.
3. Keep the Solar Panel in the Sunlight-Focused Area: Not placing your solar panel in sunlight-focused areas is one of the major mistakes that you should completely avoid while installing it. Expecting maximum energy output from your 10kw solar system while locating it under the shaded area is a major mistake. Even a small corner of the shadow on the solar panel can decrease its performance drastically because when a solar cell is shaded, it starts consuming the energy produced by its adjacent panel.
4. Install a Solar Concentrator: Solar concentrator helps in maximising the energy output of your 10kw solar system by concentrating the light falling anywhere on your solar system. Devices like solar concentrators are very helpful to increase the efficiency of your solar system. They increase the efficiency of your solar system and save energy at the same time.
5. Regular Maintenance of the Solar System: Installing a solar system is one-time work, but maintaining it to get the maximum energy output is regular work. Make sure that you monitor your solar system from time to time. With regular maintenance, you can detect the issue at the earliest and solve it soon. Also, make sure that you keep the solar system free of debris and clean so that it can work properly. Data shows that you can increase the efficiency of your solar system by as much as 21% by cleaning it once a year.
6. Install a Backup Battery: There are many solar battery backup options available. You can choose one according to your requirements. You can use the energy from this battery backup during a blackout and at night time when your solar system can’t get the sunlight from sun.
7. Use Anti-Reflection Coatings for Cells: If your solar system can absorb more sunlight then it will generate more electricity automatically. Anti-reflection coatings help cells to absorb more sunlight. Most high-quality solar panels already have anti-reflection coatings. Hence, always check whether your solar panel has an anti-reflection coating or not before installation.
8. Maintain the Temperature: More temperature doesn’t guarantee better efficiency for the solar system, but the right amount of temperature does. Different solar systems operate differently under different amount of temperatures. The efficiency of the photo voltaic panel is directly affected by the amount of temperature. Hence, it is important to find out at what temperature your solar system works best.
Solar panel is the best option to use electricity for our day-to-day work requirements and not affect the environment at the same time. It also saves your high-electricity bills by producing electricity from the sunlight. Solar systems are also known as the renewable source of energy. To make your solar system a one and longtime investment, use the above-given tips and you will get the maximum output from it.